Monday, September 13, 2010

I've got some scraps...

And I want YOU to win some!  Read on!

Sew, what do you do when the scrap bin is full?

You get a plastic bag and sit it right next to the bin, of course!

But when the plastic overflow bag, is, ahem, over-flowing, it is maybe time to address a concern that you might possibly never get to use all of your precious scraps! 

But what can be done?  There are some choice pieces of fabric in here!  Nevertheless, I am only one seamstress.  Despite my very best effort to go through and use all of the pink pieces to create a beautiful little quilt:

And then to send a hearty collection of blue pieces off to Liz:

Which she promptly turned into this most gorgeous "picket fence" pillow.

To add to her already impressive collection of custom pillows, almost all enhanced/made from scraps!


I still have TOO many scraps.  Do you want to make fun projects full of all different kinds of fabric? 

Like the Tuesday Morning pillow, a la Stitch Magazine...

Or a pair of Anna Maria Horner's Little Bo Peep skirts, that are almost entirely made from scraps?

Or maybe you saw all of Sew, Mama, Sew's ideas on scrap busting

But you don't have quite the scrap collection that I have accumulated after two years of the most desirable access to designer fabrics?!  (Thank you Korea, I love you.) 

Well then it's simple, let me mail YOU some scraps!  


I have so many, I will mail 2 (TWO) people scraps!  

In addition to the scraps, and because we love our readers so much,  a full-yard of one of our favorite Anna Maria fabrics will find it's way into the scrap bag too!

Okay, here's how it will work:

*For one entry and one chance to win, just leave a comment!

*For two chances to win SCRAPS and ONE YARD of my favorite Anna Maria Horner fabric, then link our giveaway on your blog or Facebook page.  Then come back and leave a separate comment letting us know you did so with a link back to it.

*Anyone who has an address can enter.

*The contest will go until Thursday at midnight PST.  Don't miss out!!

Easy enough, right???  I'll pick two lucky winners Friday morning and announce the winners by Friday afternoon!

What a happy way to celebrate 100 blog posts of sewing fun, and 15 years full of friendship and love!  Good luck and happy sewing!! 


Rachel F. said...

Ok I am entering this one! I can already see the yo-yos I will create! :-)

Alyssa Lark said...

Ok I want to make something with those scraps. I love the fabric and I love you both!

Loomis Fam said...

I love seeing all the fun creations! you two are "sew" inspired :)

Cherie said...

oooh, I am keeping my fingers crossed!

Kat said...

Oh Annee. The skirts, the pillows, those adorable blondie little girls of yours. It's all too much. You're so good :)

Mickelmonkey Mama said...

Hey, girl! You are too much fun! I love that picket fence pillow. That seems like a project even I could manage.

creasonfamily said...

I'm in! I would love to make some scrappy scarves for the cool days ahead!

creasonfamily said...

Just linked it to my facebook page!!/becky.creason

E J said...

What a lovely pile of "scraps". I have MANY small projects saved in my Favorites File for which these scraps would be perfect!

Mickelmonkey Mama said...

So, I blogged and facebooked your delightful giveaway! I hope that all my crafty friends heed the call!

Spooky said...

Please let me win! I'm on the home stretch of a quilt made entirely out of scraps, and I need some fresh material to finish it up.

Heather said...

Hey Liz!
I'd love to win some scraps and some fabric!! What a fun giveaway!

Sarah said...

Genius! Those scraps are heavenly! I definitely in on this one. I need a Tuesday pillow.

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heather said...

Hey, I hope I did this right. Here is a link to my facebook page:!/profile.php?id=100000110748331


It should be on my wall and my regular page.
I'm not a great facebooker!!

I'm crossing my fingers!!

Barbara said...

I am always inspired by your creations. I follow you through Shara's blog. You have done a great job with you projects and I know how much you miss Happy Quilt. I was so sad that I could not go back 1 more time!

GSGC StrongFamily said...

Wow! That is an amazing assortment of scraps! I'm sure I could figure out something fun to make with them...
Thanks for a chance to win!
Sabrina S

Jennifer said...

I am so attached to my scraps and admire you for giving up some of yours.

Anonymous said...

I'd love these! Beautiful pillows, by the way.

Kristina said...

Oooh can I enter and have Annee make me one of those little bo peep skirts with the scraps for my soon to be new addition? ;) j/k... don't put me in the running for anything. Can't believe how big that scrap pile is though!!

Tydog49 said...

You two are so talented. My husband thinks I am living vicariously thru you since I don't get to sew as much as I would like...super cute scraps...Corinne

moeem said...

Each remaining remnant of fabric in my scrap bucket is a happy reminder of my past projects. I don't why, but I am always facinated by other people's scrap bin. Thanks for sharing yours!

Becky N. said...

You guys are TOO awesome. I might even love this giveaway more than the other!! Since I'm pretty new to following your blog, I'm loving going through your scrap buster ideas. So fun! I'll be sure to spread the word and come back here to let you know I did. Thanks for the chance to win some super fun fabric! :)

RC Cola said...

Your blog has inspired me to get a sewing machine and learn how to sew. It would be great to have some scraps to sew with.

Alice said...

Yay!! This looks fun!! A quilters gold mine!!

emily said...

Hi Annee. My mom Judy says hello. We really should be sleeping, but we're up late oogling over your sewing talents. I would LOVE to win some scraps!!! :0)

Sparkle Mama said...

Wow- super crafty and super spiffy! Awesome, Awesome :)

Raina said...

How cute-love the pictures!

Becky N. said...

I'm back! I added a link to your giveaway in a new blog post. Thanks again for the chance to win such fun stuff!

Courtney said...

Fingers & toes are crossed. I've seen first hand how awesome your fabric scrap stash is! :)

M. Leigh Marrott said...

These scraps and ideas are fabulous... count. me. in.

M. Leigh Marrott said...

Posted your link on my facebook

and my blog

thanks :)

NicoleD said...

WHat a fabulous giveaway! I can think of so many fun things to do with those gorgeous scraps!

Jana said...

this would be so fun to win. maybe this time I'll get lucky. i had no idea you could make so many cool things with scraps

April Bishop said...

I have four little girls and they need one of those cute skirts! Each! Super cute!! Thanks.

Kimberly said...

I am in so much need of scraps! I have so many projects I want to do, yet have almost no scraps. Thanks for doing this!

Kimberly said...

I linked it to my blog at

Susannah said...

I LOVE scraps. This is fantastic.

Lindsay said...

I'm working on a crazy quilt and have been collecting fabric scraps for it.

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

I am usually lucky when it comes to winning stuff!!!

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

I have linked your super cool blog to mine @

Brad, Brooke, Abigayle, Rebekah and Indy said...

Wow. Those are delicious looking scraps...too wonderful! I'm just impressed at all the projects that must have been created to end up with all of them!

Mackenzie said...

Pick me, pick me! I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the beautiful things on your blog!

Jennifer Mulvihill said...

I'd love to win! Thanks for hosting this give-away!

Diane said...

I'd love to win the scraps. Thanks to Lisa for the link.

Jennifer Mulvihill said...

I just posted a link to your blog at my blog!

Diane said...

I also added you to my blog:

Lisa's Sister in law (:

cheeriBABY said...

Love Made on Maple!

cheeriBABY said...

Just posted and announced this fabulous giveaway at

Jaedyn said...

I am so excited about this! I'm scrap-crazy right now but since I just started sewing and my love for creating with fabric is new, my scraps are limited. I would be delighted to win a bag!

ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com

Jaedyn said...

I shared this on Facebook!!/lindzfreitas?v=wall&story_fbid=150785028286378

Adam, Jaci, Grant, Grace and Amelia said...

Boy would I love to win this one!

Jeff said...

That's a lot of comments! But I will try again anyway. Don't I get bonus points for being friends with both of you?! -Eliza

On my way to OZ said...

You have such great inspirations! I love the little girl skirts, my daughter would love it!

also posted this to Facebook!/profile.php?id=588806182

Liz said...

Great giveaway, I love scraps!

Cher said...

I know you can't somehow rig it so I win, but I would totally make this. Even if I don't have time:) Posting on facebook right now!

Leanna said...

I would love to win some scraps so that I can make beautiful things like you do! Leanna

Sarah said...

Forgot to tell you I posted about this on facebook this time, a couple of days ago. Look at all the LOVE!! Yahoo!

Karin said...

I am in LOVE with that Little Bo Peep skirt. Absolutely adorable!

Karin said...

P.S. You were featured on my blog- just prior to our latest announcement.

Kim said...

I'd love to win your scraps.

Rogers said...

My sister sent me, and I'd LOVE to win :D

Rogers said...

I FB'ed about your giveaway!!

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